Mr and Mrs.

Mr and Mrs.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Well we have been away for 2 glorious weeks. Lots of sight seeing, and fun. Except for one day,(I was sick) we toured,and saw so many beautiful places and things. We went to South Carolina, Georgia,Florida,Alabama,Mississippi and then back home. When I can I will post a few pictures.
Georgetown was nice, a very old city.Had a special tour of the Birds of Prey Center. Not opened to the public yet, but it is going to be so grand when it is completed. Lots of beautiful birds. Not the sissy kind, either. LOL.
Savannah was a beautiful city. Small streets,but beautiful houses and parks. They have 24 different parks in that city. Took a river boat ride, enjoyed that so much.
Stayed in the same city in Florida where I went on my honeymoon 44 years ago. Of course the place that we stayed is no longer there, but it was still Panama City.
Visited my doctor, in Mobile. He is in a new place and it's beautiful. They do all of their surgery's there too. Was so good to see Dr. Roca.
Went to Bellingrath Gardens, oh my, what a big beautiful place. The flowers were so beautiful. The house, oh wish I could have lived there when it was first built.Good to see how folks lived many years ago. Also what you can do when you have lots of money. Took a river cruise there also, and enjoyed that too.
Then we toured the Gulf Coast. There are a few things built back, but not many people are rebuilding along the coast. Not many businesses yet either. But they will come, I know that.
So just wanted to post this. And tell anyone that looks at my blog, what I have been doing for the last couple of weeks. We really had a wonderful time, it was nice just spending quality time with my husband, and sort of reliving the past.
God Bless, and have a wonderful day.